About - The Bee Colony
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Consider the metaphor of the bee colony and how the concept of “hive mind” works in nature, playing off the importance of individual jobs well done that work in synchronicity for the good of the whole. That’s pretty much how we work.

The Bee Colony offers a creative, collaborative and consensus-driven management style that seamlessly integrates with brand leadership and/or any existing external communications resources. We serve as the Movement Marketing overlay to traditionally-proven marketing communications processes, energizing the brand in ways that empower the individual stakeholder and strengthen long-term connections.


JULIE SALISBURY, CEO + FOUNDER Julie is the driving force behind The Bee Colony. For 25 years, her professional reputation has centered upon her ability to use effective and creative communication in a manner that boosts the bottom line of business. She’s been a proven catalyst for such nationally recognized brands as Bausch & Lomb, Delta Air Lines, DuPont, Georgia-Pacific, John Deere, Ralston Purina, Russell Athletic and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

She began her career with NBC Network News as a field producer. After a four-year stint as a journalist, she started her strategic public relations firm Julie Davis Associates, and grew it to 25 employees with fee billings in excess of $2.5 million. She sold her firm to Fitzgerald+CO (part of The Interpublic Group) just five years later, but remained at the helm for another seven years, leading the agency through rapid growth and winning national awards for her work. Besides earning numerous AMY marketing awards, IABC Golden Flame awards, and PRSA Phoenix awards for the agency’s work, Julie was named to Atlanta’s Top 10 Women to Watch, selected as one of The Outstanding Young People of Atlanta and was a perennial pick for Adweek’s Atlanta Agency Dream Team.


Just like many cells make one body, many bees comprise the living, breathing whole of the colony. To make this happen, we pull from an established network of communications partners to execute the movement marketing strategy through our collective wisdom and collaborative action.

We work with agencies and individuals, assembling the best and most efficient team of talent available for each assignment. Our clients benefit from this cooperative approach by having experienced, senior level day-to-day contact with a team of individuals who truly play to their individual strengths. Even better, clients only pay for ancillary services as they are needed.

The Bee Colony fuses as teammates with thought leaders on the client side. And every step of the way, we’ll challenge you and you’ll challenge us to achieve the best possible result.

If you’re as inspired by bee colonies as we are, consider creating a colony of your own. A small gift to Heifer International will pollinate lives for years to come.

Contact Us


Social movements are where the branding magic happens today. Every brand isn’t movement-worthy and a movement isn’t the right approach for every organization. But call us and let us share what we’ve learned. Because for those select few who choose to move as well as to market, the impact is transformational and sustainable.

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